
Friday, 14 September 2018

Reading: Using information from the text.

WALT use information from the text to create a slideshow about the white tailed spider.

Reading: The white tailed spider.

WALT write an information report.
 The white tailed spider. 
 A white tailed spider is a spider that came to New Zealand from Australia over a hundred years ago. The white tailed spider has a dark grey body with a white patch at the end. orange-brown bands around its legs so that it can stick onto smooth or sloping surfaces easily. It also has two palps at the front of its body that it uses for grooming and tasting. The white-tailed spider has fangs! It uses its fangs to inject venom. A white-tailed spider is about 12-15 millimetres long.  
The white tailed spiders prefer to live under bark and plants. They can also be seen inside houses, where they look for dark places to hide during the day. They often hide in clothing or shoes that are left on the floor .
White tailed spiders have venom. They use this poison to kill other spiders and insects and they can eat other spiders.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

W7 Spelling

I am proud I got 100% in my spelling again                                                                                             

Friday, 7 September 2018

W6 spelling

Art:Ink painting.

Here is my painting about Fantastic Mr Fox I used indian ink and a stick